Wednesday, April 29, 2009


一本很不错的小说, 但看了性情很复杂, 很不开兴..
故事讲述一个女孩,清, 失足落水穿越到了两千多年的秦朝.
故事围绕清与巴家小叔,巴贺;异族男子,混提尔达; 后来成为始皇的君王,政变以及深情的草原王子,月氏的辛巴.

“我们走!”混上前要扶塌上的我,又把刀更加靠近扶苏脖子。低声决定着。没有拿刀的手,想扶我,又怕手上的孩子逃脱。厉眼扫了下众人,又柔声问我道“你自己走能行吗?”  想过很多次混英雄救美的场景,但没有比现在更加令人感觉到讽刺。竟然是拿着刀抵着自己亲生儿子来救我。这到底是悲哀还是好笑。



1月14日 日记情人节 Diary Day
2月14日 传统情人节 Valentine's Day
3月14日 白色情人节 White Day
4月14日 糖果情人节 Candy Day
5月14日 玫瑰情人节 Rose Day
白色:一般朋友 黄色:知己 红色:爱人
6月14日 亲亲情人节 Kiss Day
你也收到他的红玫瑰了?我闪人!因为你们马上要kiss了!今天看到别人在kiss?不用回避,因为今天是Kiss Day。
7月14日 银色情人节 Silver Day
8月14日 绿色情人节 Green Day
9月14日 相片情人节 Music and Photo Day
10月14日 葡萄酒情人节 Wine Day
11月14日 电影情人节 Orange and Movie Day
12月14日 拥抱情人节 Hug Day

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


那是一个发生在彩之町、樱新町的幻樱奇谭 。樱新町连续在夜晚发生奇怪事件。 在这个樱花林立的地方,因为得到非人类力量者的数量增加,令混沌程度越来越严重,例如魔物四伏,狗变成妖怪等。 挺身面对他们的是“比泉生活协商事务所”所有成员,三位美少女及一位酷酷的少年郎。新感觉的感人动作故事,就此展开……


塔内第一层最初设立的据点“塔内都市Mesukia”,目标直指龙之塔复活的龙之讨伐,因为为第三次出征准备的乌鲁克国军和听说塔顶沉睡着的传说中的宝藏「Blue Crystal Rod」的冒险者们而变得热闹起来。

蛮不错的动画片,改编之游戏,我同事推荐的.刚开始很费地,男主角好像只会发白日梦似, 很讨厌,很优柔寡断..但整体很不错,满搞笑!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

DKSH warehouse sell

recently the weather sibei hot..make me wanna go out oso cant, stay at home oso cant..zzz....warehouse really hot..*sweating..**i wan ice!!!*
hehe, bought some feel cheaper stuffs..2 packs of snickers RM10, 2 VO5 condition RM1, 2 packs of M&M RM10, 1 hirudoid cream RM12 ( prepare bring to Bali), and 3 boxs plaster(inside juz 5 per box nia...) RM10..
Haih, too late to go to the warehouse, the VO5 shampoo already sold out..RM1 per bottle lei..@_@..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


tonight i go eat bbq steamboat with my momo zai~omg, their meat is SO delicious, especially the beef!!They got provide green tea with free refill, but drinking sky juice :P but their herbal tea is very nice to drink

Sunday, April 19, 2009






Academy Award® Winner Nicolas Cage (National Treasure: Book of Secrets, Leaving Las Vegas) stars in KNOWING, a gripping action-thriller of global proportions about a professor who stumbles on terrifying predictions about the futureand sets out to prevent them from coming true. In 1959, as part of the dedication ceremony for a new elementary school, a group of students is asked to draw pictures to be stored in a time capsule. But one mysterious girl fills her sheet of paper with rows of apparently random numbers instead. Fifty years later, a new generation of students examines the capsules contents and the girls cryptic message ends up in the hands of young Caleb Koestler. But it is Calebs father, professor John Koestler (Nicolas Cage), who makes the startling discovery that the encoded message predicts with pinpoint accuracy the dates, death tolls and coordinates of every major disaster of the past 50 years. As John further unravels the documents chilling secrets, he realizes the document foretells three additional eventsthe last of which hints at destruction on a global scale and seems to somehow involve John and his son. When John's attempts to alert the authorities fall on deaf ears, he takes it upon himself to try to prevent more destruction from taking place. With the reluctant help of Diana Wayland and Abby, the daughter and granddaughter of the now-deceased author of the prophecies, John's increasingly desperate efforts take him on a heart-pounding race against time until he finds himself facing the ultimate disaster and the ultimate sacrifice.
The film opens in Lexington, Massachusetts in 1959, where a competition is held among the students of a new elementary school to celebrate its opening. The winning plan, from student Lucinda Embry, a seemingly mental disorder/mentally disturbed girl, is to bury a time capsule containing the students' drawings of the future to be opened 50 years later in 2009. She is prevented from finishing her image, which is actually a series of seemingly random numbers, and goes missing during the ceremony. Her teacher later finds her in a gym closet, frantically scratching the remaining numbers into the door.
Fifty years later, the time capsule is opened and the pictures are handed down to the new generation of students. Caleb, the son of MIT professor and astrophysicsastrophysicist John Koestler, receives Lucinda's envelope. Initially dismissing them as random numbers, John notices a single random number sequence, 911012996, which contains the date of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacksWorld Trade Center attacks as well as the death toll of the attack. Further research leads John to realise the numbers are a list contain the dates and death tolls of every major disaster, natural and man made, that has happened over the past 50 years, with three that have not occurred yet. When a commercial plane crash kills 81, the legitimacy of the list of numbers is confirmed and leading John to believe that Lucinda had an ability to prognosticate since childhood until she died. It is also revealed through this incident that the numbers contain the coordinates for every event listed. As his wife died in one of the past events, John starts to believe his son was chosen to get Lucinda's prophecies.
After Caleb receives a vision of future global catastrophe from a silent man, John tries to contact the late Lucinda's daughter, Diana, to gain more information, but is rebuffed. But when John also predicts the second event, a subway train crash, Diana and her daughter, Abby, visit John and Caleb, and Diana reveals that her mother foretold of the date of her death would be on October 19th, which is also within the list. They investigate Lucinda's old mobile home in the woods, discovering walls of news clippings of the events and a drawing of MerkabahEzekiel's Wheel. During their investigation, the group encounters the silent man and three others, who vanish in a flash of light protruded from the man's mouth when John confronts them. Later Caleb is found writing numbers very similar to the ones that Lucinda wrote without realizing what he is doing. This may suggest that those numbers are predictions for future events. As a result of the confrontation, Abby is revealed to have been contacted by the "whisper people". Initially believing that the last event will kill only 33, John eventually re-examines the numbers after Diana's mention on how her mother used to write numbers and letters backward. He discovers that the final digits are not "33", but actually "EE" written backwards; the final event is a massive solar flare that will kill "Everyone Else." As Diana prepares to travel to a system of caves she believes will save them, John breaks into the school to steal the door Lucinda scratched the numbers on. At his house, he begins to scrape the paint off the door, but Diana refuses to wait for him, and leaves with the kids. As the solar flare approaches, it begins to disrupt cell phone signals, preventing John from contacting Diana. She is finally able to contact John through a gas station pay phone, and he tells her that the final numbers are the coordinates of her mother's house, which he believes is safe, while the caves won't protect them from the solar flare's radiation. When panic erupts at the gas station following the government's activation of the national Emergency Alert System and announcement of the solar flare, two of the whisper people hijack Diana's car with the two children. Giving chase in another car, Diana is hit by a truck trying to run a red light, dying exactly at midnight, on the very day her mother predicted. Arriving back at Lucinda's mobile home, John discovers the children are safe and comfortable in the presence of the whisper people. The whisper people are revealed to be celestial angel-like beings who invite the children to escape the destruction "to help everyone start over". At first, Caleb is very reluctant to go when his father is not invited to come along; John successfully persuades him to go, saying that they will be together again eventually. The whisper people leave Earth on their ship, a massive structure resembling Ezekiel's Wheel, as other ships also depart Earth. As anarchy reigns in New York City and Boston John arrives to be with his parents and sister just as the solar flare strikes Earth and incinerates all life on the planet. Caleb and Abby are dropped off on an Earth-like planet with at least two moons as the other ships drop off their passengers. The movie ends as the two children, dressed in white, run toward a large white tree, possibly being the fabled Tree of Life.
这部戏故事不错, 可惜到最后有点伤感,爸爸必须劝儿子跟随外星人走,自己留下来等死..

Saturday, April 18, 2009


虚拟的世界与虚假的身体 隐藏在那里真相究竟是?  随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网络在世界范围内得到广泛传播,世界网络进入了一个加速发展的时代。人类开始在现实空间(real world)与假想情报网络空间(wild)的交融中继续发展。  在网络上横行无忌的黑客集团“草原之狼”成员相马透在队伍最后的任务:国联军信息基地入侵的时候失去了队伍的首领,他的朋友,野野村优哉。他自己也由于这次的犯罪而被军队逮捕。透为了能够换取自由,开始参与国联军的反黑客部队——国联军治安维持局情报管理系第一小队。  在军队中一边工作,一边寻找着杀害朋友的凶手的透发现队伍中的伙伴们也是为了不同的理由而战。日子一天天过去,恐怖主义者集团,安全性企和军队,逐渐构成了三足鼎立之势。看似巧合的事件却总象是受到指引一般,终于要真相大白了……

hmm, next time our life will be like that gua..connecting with the matrix world..haha

Friday, April 17, 2009



Play Bunny Invasion:Easter special

a quite nice and funny mini game. At the end u will kill the bunnies kill till siao..good for release stress :) treat those bunnies as ur boss, ur hater, ur lover...kekeke society

haha, this is the famous game inside facebook gua.
this pic show momo's pet and my pet wear couple shirt ><

Casio EX-Z9

hehe, bought at this pc fair, RM499, free gift 4G memory card, 1 insurans..emm..the most important is the 4G memory la, can take more days de pics. Next need to try the battery can tahan how long le, hope it will help me take alot nice pics when in Bali :)

camera specifications:
-8.1 mega pixel
-3x optical zoom
-Stylish, slim, compact design makes the EX-Z9 very portable.
-2.6” wide LCD screen enables the user to capture breathtaking wide aspect ratio images.
-The EX-Z9 is equipped with 23 Best Shot Modes. These Best Shot Modes help the user take high quality images without having to adjust the camera settings.
-Easy Mode simplifies the camera settings to three easy menus (image size, flash and self-timer). With Easy Mode, the camera is set to take great photos in every situation without having to check presets or accidentally make a wrong adjustment.
-Face detection technology maintains a sharp focus and the correct exposure for the human face.

Thursday, April 9, 2009




Saturday, April 4, 2009

夏目友人帐 & 续 夏目友人帐 Natsume Yuujinchou

能看见妖怪的少年夏目贵志,有一位名叫玲子的传奇般的奶奶。由于她年轻的时候即能看见妖怪还拥有强大的能力,在不被人类理解的同时,将一腔怨气撒在了打输 给自己的妖怪头上。并让输掉的妖怪们签下自己的名字,做成了一本能够统治众妖怪的“联络簿”(友人帐)。而可怜的孙子在奶奶去世后,因为奶奶死前和妖怪结 下的怨愤受到牵连,总是被妖怪们追赶的他活得非常辛苦,可结论还是被归到“奶奶是因为太寂寞了,才会和妖怪们不知疲倦地互相斗法,妖怪们也珍惜这个古怪的 人类,所以大家谁也不肯退让”。然后围绕着这本“联络簿”,他和保镖猫咪先生为了归还给妖怪们名字而过着忙忙碌碌的日子。 结局再次不如我们所想。在主角大口喘气奔跑逃命的结果后,又是他不再局促的走姿,他走向神秘的深处去,在那里是接受他的妖怪们,虽然交好的方式是彼此斗 法,但夏目舒展的胸口没有了人世一团晦涩之气。

at my view point, this animation main point is at the very very FAT miaoko sensei :). It is very kawaii!!Haha, after work watch it, quite relaxing :)

下一站巨星 Skip Beat

本作敘述女主角最上恭子是個每日努力打工賺錢的少女,她有個秘密,那就是她與最近成為人氣歌手的青梅竹馬不破尚住在一起生活。某天恭子偷偷跑到電視台找尚 時,卻聽到一個令她震驚的消息,原來尚根本不把恭子當女友,而是當成女佣使喚,大受打擊的恭子決定進演藝圈來對尚進行報復…。於是故事發展出一段關於骨 氣、復仇、戀愛、且波折不斷的少女成功記。

This animation is my favourite at last season! I hope that it will get second season and the comic fast fast come out :)

旋风管家 Hayate No Gotoku

故事讲述了公立高中一年级生的绫崎飒,因其父母性格懒散,使得他不得不每天都打工养家。圣诞夜,回到家中的绫崎飒发现父母留给他一张白条,原来,父母欠下 了一亿五千万日圆债务后逃之夭夭。为了还债甚至还企图贩卖绫崎飒的器官(太无良了)。被黑道追杀走投无路的绫崎飒,妄图绑架附近公园的少女换取赎金,冲过 去就对少女说“我……需要你(当人质,当然这后面3个字还没出口)”,阴差阳错再加层层误会之下,绫崎飒反倒成了少女的救命恩人。怎知这位少女正是三千院 财阀大小姐,为了报答救命之恩她雇用了绫崎飒当管家,并且偿还了他的债务。但是好人绫崎飒却坚持要偿还这笔钱,于是,绫崎飒的管家生活就此开始……


喜好 专长:小提琴 求生能力(不管在什么地方都能够活下去)

喜好 专长:漫画(不但会看 而且还会画) 金融 学问
弱点:辣的东西 阴暗的房间 严重缺乏方向感

喜好 专长:家事万能 玩游戏(不管是电玩游戏 西洋棋 还是撞球都很拿手)

rating: 3
comment: abit kisiao kind de animation, but sometime is very funny.
highlight: SECOND season is coming out at April (Spring season)


Finally bought it in Sasa. Wakilala clear wash (RM40.90) and Wakilala Bright Up (RM43.90).

Direction to use Wakilala bright up:
1.Spread appropriate amount of product on the cotton after shower.
2.Gently pad on underarms until the essence has absorbed.
3. Leave on, NO rinsing off if required.

Direction to use Wakilala Clear Wash:
1.Spread appropriate amount of product over the dry underarms before shower.
2.Add some water on the underarms. Scrub and massage for 1-3 minutes.
3. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry.

Today just start to use, dunno will effective or not, wait it result after 1month (5th May) :)